Re: MMS and Adrenal Stress
You are right to prepare for the possibility that you may need to go off your more intense medication as a result of
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement . You may also want to take a supplement that is designed to support or enhance adrenal function, if you are not already.
Other important things that you can do:
Drink a lot of water, preferably a liter per day per 40lbs body weight. This will help flush out (pee) the toxins and debris created by the
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement . Hydration also helps in clearing out the lymph system. All of this is very important; the quicker you can get stuff out, the less impact it will have on your adrenals.
Detox baths with
Epsom Salts and hydrogen peroxide.
Take a vitamin complex, and a mineral complex
Shift your diet to more alkaline; you can move towards this initially by blending up some veggie smoothies, add a grapefruit to it, and drink in the am. The enzymes from this are GREAT for supporting your adrenals, and help in so many other ways too.