Hello snow runner growing grass for 2 cuttings is always problematic.I personaly wont drink second harvest grass juice do to lack of quality in the older grass not to mention the taste.Trying to contol mold for 2 harvests is difficult under ideal conditions.I grow 3-5 litters of alfalfa a month using an easy sprouter which is soilless.This is so easy compared to using a growing medium,you should check out sproutpeople.com for info. on sprouting.I also grow mung bean,chick pea,sweet green pea,sunflower sunnies and lentils indoors just by using water and several easy sprouters.Mold is always an issue of moisture control moist not wet you can always use a fan to increase circulation and a dehumidifier to control humidity.I use both of these tools during differnt seasons to enhance my sprouting abilities.Good luck and happy sprouting.Jeff.