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Re: Need Zapper Purchasing Advice
ajgasper Views: 2,143
Published: 18 y
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Re: Need Zapper Purchasing Advice

I've been using the Ultimate Zapper for about a week, and have been doing a parasite Cleanse for three weeks following the Clark regimen.

I know I'm having die off, and if I don't keep moving the stuff through the colon, I feel terrible. However, which one is doing what I'm not sure.

I will say this. I have a degenerative hip, and have been placing the foot pads below the small of my back. I'm am in far less pain, and can actually walk without looking too much like a gimp.

I know, not much help for your tape worm problem. I maybe wrong, but I thought I read zappers were not that effective on things deep inside, particularly the colon. I thought they were most effective on things like bacteria and viruses.



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