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Re: Need Zapper Purchasing Advice
  Views: 2,092
Published: 18 y
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Re: Need Zapper Purchasing Advice

I've been looking at zappers off and on for a while now . What worries me about the terminator is that none of the sellers of this device (and there seem to be many) show any pictures of the inside of this device . The fact that so many sites are selling them makes me nervous because who knows where they may be made . One guy doesn't even tell you where he is located !

He states that he doesn't even have a social security number !No way I'd buy from this wingnut. This just helps to make me more distrustful of this device . Why doesn't Don Croft just start his own website to sell his device ? Wouldn't this lend credibility to a market that is already standing on shaky ground ? Where did you purchase your terminator ? THanks!


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