Re: Not sure what happened...
I have to agree with Johnny Apple Bomb's assessment of too much detox. I think you have an abundance of toxins circulating in your body.
They need to be eliminated or absorbed. Eliminating, thru bowel movements, urination, and sweat is the desired way. You don't want your body to reabsorb the toxins that have been broken loose by your protocols. As you can see by your rash and swelling, your body doesn't like this option.
What you need is something to go in and mop up or absorb and contain these poisons so they can be eliminated. I'm struggling thru a similar situation right now where too many toxins have been stirred up and I'm having to deal with detox symptoms such as great tiredness, an acting up of restless leg syndrome, insommnia, a feeling of clogged lymph nodes [especially in my neck].
I am finding some relief by using: activated charcoal [seems to absorb everything - be sure to drink alot of water]; ornithine [absorbs ammonia from dead and dying bacteria, parasites] - take at night as sleep aid, and during the day take arginine - works the same as ornithine, only doesn't make you sleepy. I also use niacin, the flush kind to improve circulation.
I'm sure others on this forum can suggest other possible remedies to help absorb your toxins. As with any recommendations they should be researched enough to feel comfortable with before using.
I would vote for temporarily stopping all detox protocols until you have successfully dealt with your current detox symptoms.
I certainly hope you feel better soon, and when you do resume detox, take it much slower. I have to remind myself of the same thing - it really is the best way.