18 y
Re: gas/bloating after starting ut?
Hi there,
I have just started out doing Urine therapy this week. I am on mood stabilisers for manic depresion or bi-polar as it is known which I hope to get off eventually. I had suffered with hypoglycaemia for a number of years which I was able to reverse with oil pulling. Oil pulling is great it has also cured me of several illnesses. I have done that practice for over a year. I wondered whether that would have been of interest to the diabetics here. There is an oil pulling forum if you don't already know...
I have been semi-vegetarian for the last decade or so, mainly eating pulses, grains,legumes, nuts and vegetables. I had the occasional meat sandwich too. I did it for economic reasons as well as due to poor digestion. There doesn't seem to be too much problem in the way of meat according to people here, so I may have the occasional slice of turkey!
When I started the UT I began on a whole cup - they advise to start slowly but it posed no problem with me, no herx effect at all. I am heavily detoxed as it is. It has lifted my mood and made me happier as well as boosting my energy levels. I cut down my medication to one tablet and noticed no relapses which is what would normally happen on these drugs. I was playing it safe. There does not appear to be an issue so far, usually I would have a manic high which is what happened about a month ago when I tried to cut back my medications. Oil pulling has yet to offer a cure for me in this department, but it has worked wonders with other ailments.
I am collecting my urine in future to massage. They say to have seven 500ml bottles each marked with the days 1-7 and using the first one after a week has elapsed. That is what I noticed on one website.
My urine has changed taste, from being very wooden to tasting quite pleasant, I am monitoring my diet and am being very careful about what I eat too. I am definitely feeling better and hope I can continue with this modality.