I'm not sure I can answer your question but I'll give you my experiences.
I've been ingesting urine for over three years. The results were subtle, but real, within a couple of weeks. My purpose for UT in the first place was to try and improve my peripheral artery disease - which hasn't happened with UT, but anyway, that was my purpose so what did happen was totally unexpected. My athlete's foot problem of several decades disappeared within a couple of weeks. My sensitivity to light at night, disappeared within perhaps two to three weeks, that had been with me since earliest memory. Prior to UT when I'd wake in the middle of the night and switch on a light, it would blind me and hurt, not any more. I had serious skin conditions that required dermatologist intervention every six months - that cleared up in about eight months - per the dermatologist. Have had other improvements too.
When I first started UT it gave me loose stools, even at a tablespoon or two at a time, but within a couple of weeks I was up to a cup and a half a day, and that problem went away. Except, on occasion, that will happen. Will happen one day, then not the next several, so I can't predict when it will occur or why. It definitely does have an effect on the gastro intestinal system.
Here's something that I recently learned. My doc put me on Lisinopril for high blood pressure several months ago. Lisinopril is an ACE inhibitor, I had refused to be put on beta blockers with all their problems. Well, after several months on Lisinopril I one day forgot to take them and the leg cramps I'd been experiencing while walking - just went away. I stopped Lisinopril (don't take any BP meds) and low and behold the sensitivity to light at night that I'd had while on it, went away. Had never really associated the return of my light sensitivity to Lisinopril, but that's why it returned. During Lisinopril I even had to wear sun glasses during the day on bright days. All that has returned to normal since quitting the med. My point is that if you are on prescription medications in particular, it can disrupt your urine therapy. I am currently on a ten day dosage of antibiotics (I hate to take 'em) to treat a prostate infection. During this time my urine has gone from a very light taste (which occurred about a couple of weeks after beginning UT) to a horrible bitter taste, and I know it's the antibiotics.
Don't know if any of that helped or not, but the message for me has been there are things you are ingesting that can counteract UT, and also many things that will change the taste. You are taking your urine in significant quantities that it should help you, so that's not a problem. (I can't drink mine after 5 pm or it will keep me awake all night long.)
I'm on a high protein/high meat diet to control diabetes so your eating meats shouldn't be a problem.
I'd say that if you can, give it three months. It was about that length of time for a scalp condition of mine to really start to heal.
Regarding meat.... there are many on curezone who won't agree with me, but. I was diagnosed with prostate cancer 15 years ago and went on McDougall for almost a year afterward, then basically fell off. (I cancelled my surgery date to have my prostate removed, and still have it.) Then two years ago was diagnosed with diabetes and my clinic put me (and all their diabetes patients) on a high protein diet - maximum of 15 carbohydrates per meal (Atkins induction diet is 50 carbos a day, so it's less than Atkins). It was a diet that I thought would kill me. Not true. I've lost some weight, my blood lipid profile has significantly improved - cholesterol from 285+ down to 215, even with a lot of fat, triglicerides (which they say is what plugs your arteries) from 385 (over 60 is bad) down to 33!
What I've learned is that - carbohydrates kill. Now if you're eating veggies, not those kind, but all grains and everything that has been processed. Read an outstanding book - "The Seven Daughters of Eve" and learned that the reason that women didn't produce many children during the era of pre-agriculture was because as long as they were lactating they couldn't get pregnant, and that they lactated for 3 to 5 years after giving birth. Their diet was mainly game, very few vegetables. However, with the advent of agriculture - farming, their high carbohydrate diet changed their bodies so that lactation no longer worked as a birth control!!! They could now have children as often as their body could produce them. Also, in studying the Egyptian mummies they have determined that they had a high incidence of hardening of the arteries - plaque build ups, and heart disease - and they were eating the American Heart Association diet!!! (No white flour, no sugar, blah blah blah.)
I am in control of my diabetes without medication. Don't knock a high protein diet and you really have to completely relearn everything you thought you knew, and your body goes through a lot of adjustments in the process.
"Thanks! Do you combine your high protein diet with urine therapy?"
Yes I do. I've been doing UT for 3 1/2 years, high protein for one month short of 2 years. I've read all the "bad" things about eating meat and UT, and particularly high protein and UT - and none of it has been true for me. I don't even remember any change in my UT when I switched to meat. No change in taste of urine, nothing. Don't know what you've found, but once I went onto UT with a cup and a half minimum per day, after several days and by at least a month I'd gotten past the 'rotten' programming and my urine smoothed out. Yes, I could often tell what I'd eaten the day before - I love garlic, still do, and that comes out in the urine. But there are a lot of stories out there that meat will make your urine taste bad. It sure hasn't for mine. During my time on UT there was a few days that I was hospitalized for knee replacement and spent several days on pain killers and was afraid to drink urine, so stopped for more than a week. (Also, its tough to drink your own urine while in the hospital.) In going back on UT the taste was strong and rather unpleasant but smoothed out within just 2 or 3 days.
Again, don't know where others are coming from - but, our bodies were designed to be on high protein. (I'm a creationist, just believe differently than others.) From several archeological studies some scientists believe that we didn't begin to develop large brains until we began eating fat. There is nothing wrong with fat - including animal fat, which drives my cardiologist up the wall. It's the trans-fats and all the added stuff with corn syrup the first and foremost killer of humans, that is added to everything and then mixed with the meats and vegetables that we eat that kill us. I'm an old guy and have a 32 year old granddaughter who eats nothing but fruit and produce from health food stores and is vegetarian. She swears I'm going to kill myself. She is not over weight but she does have allergies and after several months I convinced her to cut out all grains. She did that and lost 10 pounds in a week, mostly from her stomach. She, like me, can't leave sourdough bread alone (I eat it on very special occasions) and after cutting out grains went on vacation and ate sourdough bread and her weight came right back - all around the middle too.
There is just so much misinformation out there about nutrition that even the dieticians and particularly doctors don't know what they are talking about. My diabetes clinic, Virginia Mason - a world renowned clinic in Seattle, has done diabetes research since the 1920s and their high protein diet has helped many diabetics and flies in the face of the American Diabetes Association diet.
Yeah, I still fall off my diet from time to time, but it's easy to get back on.