Detox Cycles with MMS
I've being reading posts from this forum every day, since almost the day it started.
Then I started
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement myself 1 month ago.
One thing I noticed with some other people, and now with myself as well, is that there seems to be a cycle of detox reactions while taking
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement .
In my case, I started normal, went up with the drops and got heavy detox. then I felt great for several days. Then detox again, when I was forced to go down with the drops x day. Then I felt well again, even better than before, and went up with the drops.
Now I'm getting detox again. I got a flu, nausea and a strange numbness sensation in my left hand (I suffered from carpal tunnel in that hand). So again I was forced to lower the daily drops.
The cycles for me seem to go around for about 8-10 days.
Overall the improvement is way up, however. But the detox crisis are always nasty.
It will be interesting to know if others have the same cycling experience and how long are your own cycles. Maybe from there we can do some research about it.
And if that's the case this info can be useful for newcomers.