Allergies... that's a good point. There are many who believe allergies begin and the gut problems follow. Obviously an army of people believe the reverse. My whole life I have had allergy problems. When I was 7 years old and my allergy problems flared up, I was allergic to things like fabric softener and wildly allergic to strawberries and many other unidentified things, it was following by a few years of some of the worst eczema you can imagine. Palms and feet were literally solid thick yellow splitting scabs.
I am doing LDA/EPD immunotherapy as well, which can be described as ultra-low dose enzyme potentiated desensitization. EPD is one of the primary treatments in the UK for allergies, but of course research was dropped by the FDA in 2002 once they started touting an 80% cure to many immune disorders, IBS/Crohn's/UC being one of them with very high success rates.
My Dr has been doing it for 10 years and says that he has seen many many people who just stop having IBS problems once the gut injuries of allergy response subsides. He keeps reiterating that he takes great joy in treating people for a short time and then seeing them make a complete recovery.
This is why my principal therapies are LDA (to deal with the possible root cause), acupuncture (to work on the gut and allergy meridians),
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement (to keep the free flowing toxin levels down to a minimum) I consider these 3 as very complimentary treatments. Other things might also do the trick, as these allergy problems can be resolved through balancing the body without LDA, it just takes a longer timeline. Lots of promise appears to be dealing with the meridians in a variety of methods.
By the way, I have just had my 2nd shot now and between all things, I am seeing a modest improvement in my allergies. Shots happen every 2 months. For most, you are supposed to know pretty well if LDA will work for them by a few weeks after the 3rd shot where there should be marked improvement and fewer allergies.