Re: Full of demons
I ask God for wisdom,guidence and some heavenly common sense.For me to see the Bible clearly I have to do something else,let go of some of my preconceived ideas and go before God with the willingness to receive what I need to learn.I should probably go more often.I agree that we must first test the spirits as Jesus said.I may not agree with everything Sylvia Browne says but she has been known to be correct as well,why because ultimately people have the ability to change a path,sometimes a reading is as a warning,it is the same in the Bible,there are lots of things which should have happened but did not even though they were predestined,why? because we can become masters of the destiny God created for us or we can change its course,eg Adam and Eve.The point is that we all should have these gifts because they are natural God given gifts we were created with to be able to communicate with God and we know that because Adam and Eve walked and talked with God in the Garden of Eden,those gifts of natural spiritual senses were dimmed with impurity after the fall of Adam and Eve but there are a part of our creation which can be activated,it is how we should have been if the fall had not occured.We can see this when the disiciples tried to cast out the spirits and could not and Jesus said that these things could not be done without fasting and praying.Desciples were good people but not yet at the level where they could do those things.
Many of my family members are what we call spiritually open but we do not do readings,My mother is told when her neighbors might die,she does not discuss this with most people except her family,if anything it is distressing for her,the problem is not always demons but how close a relationship we have with God and how pure we are in that time.That we can be off,yes,the gifts are there but we have to be able to define the spirits who can pose as someone we know.No one in my family does readings but if a person is evil we can know it if we want to,it depends on the level of spirit we have,the gift to read abounds both with good and evil,interpretations may depend on the level of the spirit guide as well,there are many levels in the spirit world and the higher the spirits are the clearer the messages which come,many spirits on lower levels may not even be aware of higher places since they canot vibrate at that level to go there and then not give a correct answer.and believe me it is not our belief in the Bible alone that dictates where we are in the world of spirit but how we have served and loved as God loves and love God.It is known that some people who did not have a clear relationship with the Bible or religion entered a higher place than some believers.We all have the same gifts as Sylvia,at some time or another we all experience them,we say we have a feeling or something we were led to,Christians say God impressed it upon my heart to say this or our intuition is strong about something.Even those who say they don't believe it have experience this,it is our spiritual senses being activated at that moment,a small moment in time when we are connected to God,those who have it happen stongly are born with it like that be it used for good or evil and depending on where our level of spirits guides are in the world of spirit and where we are as well.It is our imperfections which block us,but we are all God's children and growing so we will get there eventually.