All paths on the mountain lead to the same summit. Some travellers, however, cling tighter to their beliefs than others....until they change :) It's so stunning to see how easy it is for us Judeo-Christian believers to become oppositional and then we wonder how we're going to resolve disagreements with the Muslim world. For me, if Sylvia Browne brings me closer to God, then her work is just fine. If the Bible does that, fine. When people are cramming their beliefs down my throat, it's usually an indication that they're just starting out on their path and their beliefs are still fragile. The day will come when something cracks through the picture they've assembled and new information will make it's way in. And MAN.... is that life-changing, remember? I've been extremely dogmatic about my various rungs on the ladder but the people that got new information through the wall were usually very casual about it. They just lived it. Consider this you guys: what if BOTH Sylvia Browne and Pat Robertson AND the demons are all fulfilling their contracts and being perfect examples of who they really are? We have front row seats, do we not?!? Best to all of you. Thanks for reminding me that God is everywhere.