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Apple Cider Vinegar
NancyAng Views: 2,133
Published: 18 y

Apple Cider Vinegar

I didn't know the best place to post this, but as this forum seems to get a lot of traffic, I thought I'd start here. I keep reading about the wondrous properties of ACV, and I'd like to incorporate it into my daily regimen.

On the Braggs bottle, they say take two teaspoons in a glass of filtered water three times a day with Honey, Maple Syrup or Stevia. Does that sound good? That sounds like a pretty small amount.

I've just read a bunch of articles about how it can cure a million and one diseases, but no one says HOW you are supposed to use it.

How do you use it? Or can you point me to an article about how to use it?




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