Re: Loss Of Appetite
No I know that 5
pounds is a lot when you are thin! I used to be the same way and I felt good. More muscle than flab.
It probably will be good for me to get less calories. I'm not particularly overweight, just about 15 to 20
pounds more than I would like to be, and according to charts about 10 to 15
pounds overweight. I used to be a lot thinner, and I also felt a lot better being thinner.
It seemed like about 3 to 4 years ago when I started getting sick, I slowly put on the extra pounds. Also, I would get hungrier when I know I didn't need to be. It seems like I also get slight edema. Puffy eyes is the morning especially above the eyelids and a slight all over puffiness. I used to not get like that. Maybe a pathogen is causing it. I have been trying everything to get healthy.
Come to think of it, my lack of appetite now is the way I used to be before I got sick. So maybe it's really not a lack of appetite but the
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement is killing off pathogens and my body is normalizing.