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Re: rabbitears
pattiecake Views: 4,070
Published: 18 y
This is a reply to # 1,062,358

Re: rabbitears

this quote says it all to me right there:

"quack cattle farmer masquerading as a parasite specialist on curezone selling herbal products"

and then to pretty much put the blame on Humaworm:

"Just wanted to let people know that I am dying from fast progressing ALS, of which nothing can be done about, which was triggered from taking a product called humaworm for a month. I am 27y, and was mislead into thinking my eye floaters were due to parasites by these people, which lead me into making a fatal error. Don't think that these harsh parasite cleanses can't do long-term harm - I learnt the hard way by throwing away my life. I didn't believe my doctor but believed some cattle farmer half a world away who thinks the whole population has parasites. Please do not make this same mistake as me, get tested for parasites before you are told or think you have them."

THat is just plain wrong and will scare many people away from potentially getting help from parasite cleansing. I'm not even talking about brand here ....just the fact that he blames parasite cleansing in general may keep some people from getting much needed help here.




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