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Re: Tracie
sanctuary2 Views: 4,087
Published: 18 y
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Re: Tracie

Sorry I misunderstood what you said.....

As for scaring people, I can see that he is doing that, and that is really sad. I can't tell you how many times I have wished that I knew about CZ when I my mother was sick. Would she still have died? I don't know. But maybe her quality of life could have been improved whilst she was here. I often wonder if she still would have gotten sick if she had known about cleansing and eating properly and parasites. We grew up with fluoridated water, took fluoride tablets, never did a cleanse in our lives, were surrounded by animals. Mum smoked for many years and even developed adult onset asthma. She drank what she wanted, ate what she wanted. There is so much information here at CZ that could have really made a difference to her life, if not her death.

It also makes me mad that this guy is scaring people off. I understand that he has so much anger, but I really think that anger is the last thing that he needs right now. Before my mother died, she made peace with everything and everyone. I am not saying that this guy should just give up and accept his fate. I don't know how far along he is, but just by the fact that he can still type I would say he has a ways to go.

But anger won't help his healing one bit.



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