Hi, Sorry to contradict what others have said, but I have found that I experience far LESS nausea if I take the Miracle-Mineral-Supplement after food - within an hour or so, say.
The few times I have taken the Miracle-Mineral-Supplement 3 hours or more after eating I've had nausea all day long and a good, ahem, clear out at the end. Maybe the Miracle-Mineral-Supplement is more potent on an empty stomach, I'm not sure. But I can tolerate far more drops after food than I can on an empty stomach.
Sorry the advice is so contradictory. I'm sure you'll find out what works for you. Truth is, I try not to stress about it either way as the important thing is not to make yourself so sick you're incapacitated, and to be able to keep on taking it every day. If that means taking it with some food, do it.