spacehoppa says, "Sorry the advice is so contradictory. I'm sure you'll find out what works for you. Truth is, I try not to stress about it either way as the important thing is not to make yourself so sick you're incapacitated, and to be able to keep on taking it every day. If that means taking it with some food, do it."
I agree with that. I definitely take it on a relatively empty stomach; but if I'm somewhat nauseated, I try to eat a little something.
Chlorine dioxide (CLO2) is an electron acceptor. Bad pathogens typically have cells that are electron donors. CLO2 is pretty aggressive in getting these donors electrons and causing them to terminate violently. By accepting the extra electron, CLO2 ceases to exist as well. I'm not sure what make a donor cell. I suspect there is more to the chemistry; but it is not just any acid. It that were true, the CLO2 would not make it through the stomach acids.
Another thought is that you sometimes bring in bad pathogens with food; especially raw food. Your body already has mechanisms to deal with most of these; such a friendly biotics (intestinal flora). So why make CLO2 use itself up dealing with something that your body can deal with?
Complicating this is the ion swapping between oxidants and antioxidants (another study). It is just best to keep CLO2 away from food; which may be of antioxidant quality.
Did this complicate things sufficiently?