I have been taking the Iodine for a couple of weeks now. I'm only taking about an ounce/day. It's hard to tell what is happening because I started all of your herbs around the same time. LBB, Iron Balance, D/W, L/S, pre cleanse, PICA, Sorghum. I did the pre cleanse and an 8 day oj fast. I am now drinking fresh juice in the daytime and one meal in the evening. My first drink in the morning is hot water with sorghum, lemon and cayenne. Trying to get my circulation moving. My crohn's disease has flared up and I feel this is just what they call the healing crisis. I feel the herbs have kept me from getting real sick and have kept me functioning. I am planning on doing another oj fast in January. My grey hair is disappearing, I feel my hair has a bit more body and my eye brows are getting darker. My fingernails are growing fast and my skin is very soft.
I am loving all of your herbs. I know that my body is absorbing them unlike the other crap I have taken in the past.