Re: and god said...
"It's poverty and ignorance that causes people to feel the need to resort to drugs. Give people an education and a comfortable environment"
Affirmative Action did guarantee an education to some blacks. But now that's gone, now what?? Even education institutions discriminate. I think we have to make strides at the polls to elect officials that will be fair and not tolerate an attitude of inequality towards our fellow citizens. Take Katrina. The slow response from the Fed Gov. was not their fault, whether they had an education or not. That would not have made a difference: it was the attitude of indifference from the Administration that made it the atypical catastrophe of the people that it was.
And of course, blacks are not the main drug and mj buyers. That's the media brainwashing the American public. More whites do drugs and mj then blacks ever could b/c there's more of them. But how many white addicts do you see on tv?? Ch. 4,5,7,20,44? None. But you do see black addicts. It's propaganda and brainwashing. B/c the powers that be would lose money if the truth came out. It's all about the $$$$$!.
Eminent domain has changed to include private companies being able to TAKE your land, black or white, without any other reason than to build a bigger pharmaceutical plant. Again, the powers that be are profitting from that. Now the average joe.
Point being you cannot blame black people, who did not ASK to come over here, for their problems completely b/c they are being swashbuckled by the American community atlarge. Take another group and analyze them, but until there is COMPLETE EQUALITY{{Even on TV)), give black people your compassion as American citizens who are simply getting the short end of the stick.