Re: lymph cleansing~ rebounding
note~ several rebounders available through I just picked up an oval one for $80...
Of all the types of exercise available, in the past year I have concluded that the very best form of exercise is rebounding or using a small mini-trampoline, called a rebounder. This form of exercise is different from other physical activities because it puts gravity to work in your favor. It has many advantages over "regular" exercise because it, in addition is a cellular exercise. By subjecting each of the sixty trillion cells in your body to greater gravitation pull, waste products are squeezed out and nutritional elements and oxygen are drawn into the cells. The cells function more efficiently, the metabolism increases to its maximum. With this form of exercise, the membranes around each cell become stronger as they demand more protein from the body. These thicker membranes are better able to fight off foreign invaders like germs, toxins, poisons, and other pollutants more effectively. Here, everything improves: the blood, the brain, the lungs, the muscles, all the internal organs, those of the senses, and even more.
Rebounding exercise will increase the vital capacity (can handle more oxygen) in your lungs and more oxygen will be delivered to the body tissues and better absorption of oxygen will result. There appears to be a faster gaseous exchange within the lungs. The red blood cell count, as well as more blood, is pushed through these vessels. The heart muscles work more efficiently and collateral circulation improves. The result is that more oxygen is carried to the heart muscle. Elevated blood cholesterol and trigylceride levels tend to come down, and the good cholesterol levels increase. Rebounding also strengthens the adrenal glands so that more severe stresses may be handled by the body. Your metabolism is enhanced and there is better absorption or nutrients from food intake. Digestion, appetite and elimination all get better. This type of exercise also tends to decrease any tendency for blood clotting or coagulation in the blood vessels. Many scientists believe that a prime cause or contributing factor of cancer is lack of oxygenation of the cells, and exercise is the main way to bring oxygen into the blood with which to bathe the cells.
I feel the most important benefit of rebounding, however, is its effect on the lymph system. Most people are not familiar with what the lymph system really is. It is another circulatory system within the body and it is the system that drains and removes toxins, poisons, and waste products from between each individual cell and delivers these waste products to the lymph nodes and that part of the immune system that destroys and eliminates toxins, bacteria, poisons, and other products that get in your body. In one sense, the lymph system is the metabolic garbage can of the body. It gets rid of toxins, dead cells, cancer cells, waste products, trapped proteins, pathogenic bacteria, and viruses, heavy metals, and assorted junk products that the cells need to get rid of.
Your circulatory system (heart, blood vessels, and blood) delivers food and oxygen to your cells, and the products of cell metabolic breakdown must be drained away with its load of waste through the lymph vessels. Now, unlike the artery system, the lymphatics do not have their own pump. There are only three ways to activate the speed up of the flow of lymph away from the tissues it serves and back into the main circulation. Lymphatic flow requires (a) muscular contraction from exercise and movement (b) gravitational pressure and (c) internal messages to the one-way valves that are present in these lymph vessels.
Arthur C. Guyton, M.D., Professor and Chairman of the Dept. of Physiology and Biophysics, University of Mississippi School of Medicine, is an internationally known expert on lymphology and the lymphatic system. He states, "The lymphatic group becomes very active during exercise but sluggish under resting conditions. During exercise, the rate of lymph flow can increase to as high as three to fourteen times normal because of increased activity. An increase in tissue fluid protein increases the rate of lymph flow and this washes the proteins out of the tissue spaces, automatically returning the protein concentrate to its normal low level. If it were not for this continual removal of proteins, the dynamics of the capillaries would become so abnormal within only a few hours, that life could no longer continue. There is certainly no other function of the lymphatics that can even approach this in importance."
As the lymphatic vessels have one-way valves in them, and the lymph flow only one way (towards the heart) when one jumps up on the rebounder, the lymph is thrown up also and cannot go back down the vessels because of the one way valves. This acts as a suction pump to pull out and suck out the lymph with accumulated toxins between the cells and return it back to the circulation where it is supposed to be.
How to Rebound
Jog on the rebounder for two minutes, then jump with both feet on the rebounder for two minutes and repeat this process over and over for twenty minutes in all. If you get dizzy at first, this is because the toxins are being pulled out of the spaces between your cells too rapidly. You should slow down or stop for a few minutes before continuing if this should happen. If you feel unsteady on the rebounder, you may want to hook a rope in the ceiling and let it hang down to hold onto or you could screw a little hand-holding hook in the wood door frame and simply hold on to this as you rebound.