Re: What does MMS act against?
If MMS kills the pathogens relatively quickly, then why do people still get such great benefit days, weeks or even months later?
Ok, it is my second day of MMS, I am not yet certain about is efficacy in regards to chellation, but this is what I can sense from its use: it appears to work similar to a frequency generator in the way it zaps bacteria. MMS seems to be more effective than a zapper, as it can zap these bacteria within the intestinal tract, whereas the zapper is unable to do this.
This view from in the Hulda Clark vein...
If you recall from the reading in Cure For All Diseases, parasites such as tapeworms, pinworms and round worms always have certain bacteria associated with their presence.
When you knock out a round worm such as Ascaris, bacteria leave the worm host and then are available to the human body, i.e. bacteria such as Bacteroides fragilis are alway found when there are Ascaris on the scene. Each of the varieties of worms have an array of bacteria encapsulated within each of them.
Fibromyositis and Fibromyalgia
"When pain is widespread, not just in joints or legs but in many muscles and soft tissues of your body your doctor may call it fibromyositis or fibromyalgia.
For bacteria to get all over your body, they must be riding along with parasites that get all over your body. Microscopically tiny round worms can do this.
Tricninella is the most common cause of these diseases, but somwtimes Ascaris larvae or hookworms or strongyle larvae are the main culprits. These wormlets bring hosts of bacteria with them, mainly "Streps" and "Staphs" but also "Clostridiums" and "Campyls". By killing all bacteria--Staphs, Streps, Clostridiums and Campyls--using a zapper, you may get relief for one hour.
By killing Trichinella and Ancyloostomas (worms) first, followed by the bacteria, you may get relief for several hours. By killing the parasites and bacteria in every household member and the pets at the same time and by never putting your fingers to your mouth, you can expect permanent pain relief. It is interesting to speculate why the other family members, who are also infected with these tiny roundworms don't develop fibromyalgia. Perhaps the larvae stay in the intestine or go to the diaphragm (causing coughing) or the eyes (causing "lazy" eye muscles). Perhaps they merely cause anemia. Trichenella, hookworms and Strongyles are extremely difficult to get rid of in a family.
These roundworm larvae undoubtedly cross the placenta into the unborn child during pregnancy, too. So they can be "inherited". Try to clear up the whole family before the next pregnancy.
Clearing up pets of these parasites is even harder, The best advice is to give your pets away, They will continue to harbor them even though they are on a pet parasite program. It is impossible to stay free of the parasites your pets have: they will move to your soft tissues immediately, giving you the bacteria and inflammation again." [Cure For all Diseases Page 75-76]
The best thing about MMS is that it works within the intestines, unlike a zapper.
According to life style, one will always be exposing oneself to bacteria and parasites and parasite larvae to a certain degree.
Also, this note, if one already does have a cancer that is still in a growth phase, bacteria will be associated with this condition. May even be a by-product or the host to these guys. Unless the cancer is completely eliminated, it may continue to be a breeding ground for all kinds of little bugs. And so, MMS used as preventive maintenance may be wise to always have on hand.
MMS has its uses as other therapies and protocols have theirs.