emotional relief for an unhappy person
Good call Laura. Wow I can't believe I was called "assinine" for trying to help her with underlying emotional problems. But I understand after reading more as the thread's grown how unhappy and negative this person is.
Appearently smoking is offering valuable emotional relief to someone who really needs it right now. But this person is also conflicted about the gain in emotional relief vs the destructiveness of the habit. Her solution is to be in denial about the latter, but that's not an easy thing to pull off in our society that admittedly has been over-indoctrinated with the harms of smoking (and underindoctrinated about nearly every other major enviornmental health risk you can name). So her solution to being conflicted is to be rude to shut people up. Basically putting her fingers in her ears and shouting LALALALALA.
But by her abusive behavior, it's clear as you point out that this person settles for bad choices in her life. But it's also obvious that her pain is intense right now.
SO SMOKE AWAY!! My philosophy in this tough, cruel world is basically "what ever gets you through the night" (adding "as least self-destructively as you can manage"). But please file away for later that you can actually have superior emotional relief with EFT and not be conflicted about your health. In fact clearing up emotional issues is the best cleanse you can do for your health PERIOD.
I myself spent years smoking, and have to admit that it did seem to offer a small degree of emotional relief (which can be huge at certain times). So don't beat yourself up or be bullied by others about smoking. Smoke all you need but also download the EFT manual and start painlessly collapsing your larger emotional issues and traumas at the same time. No reason you can't do both.
After all I've learned in my life, if I could have taken just one bit of knowledge back to my youth, I swear it would be how to use EFT.