Today I just signed up for a curezone account. been using the site for months now for personal assistance and loving all of it. One question I have is regarding tapeworms. After attempting to quit smoking and drinking 2 litres of grapefruit juice a day for 2 days straight, I noticed overall detoxing symptoms in my body as well as what appeared to be the "rice" in my stool type parasitic egg.
Well, I have ordered a tincture based on Hulda Clark s method of parasite removal and it should arrive shortly. In my research I have found that I quite possibly have a tapeworm. What worries me is I have seen videos, like the ones on youtube with a Tapeworm venturing its way out of the body forcefully through the intestinal wall and then out through the skin on the abdomen. I asked my father what might cause the worm to venture out to find a new home, rather then make his way out the usual way with your stool and he told me its probably if the ph level in your body gets to high. Which makes sense.
Does anybody know what would cause the Tapeworm to do this?