Magical thoughts
"If I just eat this perect thing, in perfect combination with whatever else I ate, it will proide my body with exactly what it needs to heal and this pain will be gone"
That is magical thinking, I believe.
It happens to me a lot - I get the feeling that something will help me.
Critical thinking isn't about negativity, it is "exact physical knowing", like eating the right things, over a long period of time, and avoiding the sugared foods, and then I will have an improvement. Thats the best I can hope for, for now, as far as what I can do about it now, in real terms.
Critical means reality.
Why we are attracted/disposed to magical thinking is from the brainwashing , social engineering that corporate interests have done to us. "Take a pill", "spend some money", "have a drink of a smoke" - and you will feel better RIGHT NOW!!!!
A large part of the problem is from bible stuff too - the rapture comes on without any proccess, it just will show up. "You will be saved upon death, we will all go to heaven just like that..." Magic. Like Jesus.
What would he think about our magical thinking? He would tell us to get real... Walking on water is not something any of US have seen, there is nothing happening without real processes in this world, we just want to believe it can.