MMS companion supp's? (Northerner pls read)
The evidence is mounting that
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement is effective by itself, taken over time. Anyone else given any thought though to 'companion' supplements to take whilst using
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement to enhance the results? Jim Humble recommends paradophilus. There are a couple things talked about on CZ recently that given
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement 's method of action, could help expedite the detox'ing and basically help it along.. just some thoughts here:
1) Shatavari (ayurvedic herb)
Northerner, you've talked about this on the
Candida Forum . Humble, in his downloadable books and some interviews he's given, mentions candida yeast and fungus a number of times as causal in many health problems. Shatavari has multiple actions on the digestion and recently reportedly found as a potent candida fighter. A good page on its extensive benefits can be found here
This *could* be significant because there is the belief by some that when food isn't digested 'enough', the insufficiently digested food nourishes NOT the body, but the bad bacteria/yeast/
parasites and any other nasties that may be residing in the gut..
2) Agaricus Bisporus (mushroom)- found in Pro-M internal deodorizer and Champex
Talked about in the b.o./b.b. forum, it neutralizes the biproducts of food decomposition, reduces ammonia in the blood, and helps with IBS/Leaky Gut symptoms. Good tonic for the kidneys also. Increases the good bacteria, improves regularity and intestinal function.
So to further experiment, I'll be taking these 3 along with a diet that includes plenty of greens (and green drinks a few times a week) and will see how it goes. Thoughts or suggestions?