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Re: just ALA...
boronia Views: 2,228
Published: 19 y
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Re: just ALA...

Hi Janey,

Yes I understand, it must be very difficult if you have a family to care for too! I'm the same as you, I want to get better yesterday! But you have to be PATIENT :-) but you definitely should not start chelating until you are taking adrenal, thyroid, liver support. The symptoms you have are a reflection of these glands being poisoned so chelation could make you feel a hell of a lot worse if you dont support them. You may even need something stronger, like some people take adrenal steroids.

Yes very low mercury (alongside low potassium and sodium) suggests you are a poor excretor. Not surprising given this all started after Amalgam removal.

Milk thistle is safe to take, it will support your liver which is ESSENTIAL.

The zinc and molybdenum will help lower your copper levels. Best to take a full vit B complex rather than just one.

Try magnesium taurate for you magnesium supplement. The taurine in there will help regulate your magnesium and potassium levels which may help with the heart palps and anxiety.

There are other supps which can really help eg CoQ10 and acetyl-l-carnitine (antioxidants which will protect against the toxic effects of mercury). They will also help with fatigue.

Don't forget the yahoo chelation groups for more advice and support. Like others I'm just learning as I go along.

Take care Janey,



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