Re: Hello Everyone!
Thanks! It's been an odd stroke of bad luck in a short period of time. One thing or the other might not have had that serious of an effect in tipping the balance, but all of them in a 1-month period of time definitely did my body in to the point where I lost enough good bacteria and my immune system got weak enough that the Candida took over.
At least I'am not so incapacitated so far that I can't work or go do other things. It's just... annoying. The aches and pains, the constipation, the skin color changes (hypoallergic reactions, and occasional (minor) flaky dry skin around the hands. But I'am still largely functional!
Major issue: Right now I don't think any of the store bought probiotics are helping all that much in restoring the body floral balance since they may not be surviving too well. At least the Threelac folks have at least ONE good point; the good bacteria has to somehow get through to the intestines!
I'am currently experimenting with taking the probiotics up to an hour after dinner in hopes that the stomach acids won't be at their peak during that time. Are there any other good "tricks" that might help get them where they belong?