Hello, yesterday I had 6 alamaglams replaced and 4 cavitations done and dental cleanup. I am trying to rid myself of mercury and metal toxins. I started the oral chealation using the Renew Life brand Heavy Metal Detox, it is a two part program for 30 days. Has anyone used it? I am also wondering if I can do a colon/ parasite cleanse at the smae time? I also did the IV-vitamin C therapy. I take many supplements now. But I am hopping this will work. Has anyone used wheat grass shots (liquid dose to drink) to assist in metal detox? A gal at the Vitamin Shoppe told me it might be helpful. Any ideas are appreciated. Today I did notice my head is clearer than it has been in years, almost a waking up from being in a deep clouded sleep is the closest I can describe it. Along with the nasty tin taste is no longer in my mouth any longer.