Re: Ful specturum Florecent Lighting , electronic Ballests
My first Boss died of extreme sever skin cancer, my second Boss died of extreme sever skin cancer, the next man to work in the office was dieing of a bazarr cancer and when he was too sick to work, he started to get healthy at home....A few years later that office was condemed and used as a storage room. Some years later I acquired a EMF meter and was walking around the factory checking the electrical motors, etc. and a buddy of mine that was the company genious with electronics seen me and said follow me and he started explaining electricity to me and how these huge motors are made, etc., etc. and he knew electricity can kill people. He took me into the storage room and said look at your meter and it was pegged; as far as it could go!!!!!!!!!! The ceiling was low in that office and both of my bosses started with cancers on their heads, that spread down their backs/arms and into their lungs. I was shown that what killed them was the cheap flouresant lighing. The starter motors put out a very bad electrical field.
David Christopher owner of The School of Natural Healing has never went to a MD and at age 50 he has skin cancers and explained in class that he has used all the herbs and diet with very little success and was puzzled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After the class was over I explained about lighting, in his Dad's original store the ceiling upstairs are very low, identical to my old boss's office and his entire store as well is 100% lighted with flouresant lights. To make things worse,I looked around outside his store and next door on top of the buildings sets a HUGE CELL PHONE TOWER!
I explained all of this and David said that all makes sense! I assure you, the herb store and school of Christopher's never moved....the ONLY solution for David and his employees would have been to move from that building as soon as possible; bot often people are too damaged t believe they can move, they can change and they will continue dieing as they were; I DID MY PART, I warned him and I said my first 2 bosses started out exactly the same as he looked and they died horrible painful deaths.
THE COMPANY KNEW the office killed the men, to make matters even worse, the ceiling was insulated with asbestos. They did eventually remove the asbestos but never removed the lights. All of the offices were cleaned of asbestos, but the entire factory ceiling was asbestos and for 30 years part of my job every monday morning was to sleep up the ceiling, because it was falling down like rain on us for the 30 years I worked there and after the weeken, you could see it on the floor come Monday morning. Naturally OSHIA and EPA always told us the asbestos was 100% FINE, that in fact it was safer to leave it there than it was to remove it, YET the worthless white colors had their offices cleaned of it, but it was too late for many of them, they died beforte they could retire like many of the blue colors did.
I WOULD NOT HAVE a flouresant light of any kind anywhere in the home and they should all be destroyed.