Re: Children and Adrenal Fatigue
Good afternoon everyone!
I probably did not mention enough that, yes, the whole body needs to be considered. I always ask the question first, before any treatment, 'What is the *cause* of this symptom'? That is the main question, and I am personally convinced by my research, personal experiences, and from others' experiences, that the body as a whole needs to be considered. We had already been eating a mostly organic diet, but we raised the level a bit to even our ketchup and mustard. We make certain that we eat raw vegetables on a daily basis, take a quality vitamin/mineral supplement, exercise, get plenty of sun and fresh air...etc. I did not do a detox or intestinal cleanse, and yet we have had great success. I did use a liver builder/cleanser recently, but I was better even before doing so, and my son never used one. I do realize it is not this way for everyone, however.
There cerainly was a *reason* his adrenals were not working properly and became overly stressed, that is true, and the core problem needed to be addressed. If the steps we took did not get to the core of the problem, then my son would have eventually, by the same stressors, lapped back into his low adrenal problem. However, over a year and a half have gone by, and he had some of the same stressors happen, and he had no problems at all. Thankfully. He just got done playing soccer in the Florida heat, and was considered the best player on his team. This assures me that whatever the cause was, it was eliminated by the raising of our standard in diet and nutrition, as well as the adrenal rebuilding regimen we used.
I used to have panic attacks many years ago, but by eliminating caffeine (which includes chocolate) and sugar, and exercising and much more, I am panic free and have been for approximately 14 years. I am so sorry for others who still suffer, because I remember how awful it can be! I also used to have a problem with candida, and by eliminating sugar, yeast foods, and taking garlic I have done very well.
I hope this helps, and have a great day!
Jill Mary