Re: I'm feeling very good!
Hi Wintergreen,
Thanks for the Dr Rind link....I've seen that before...I'm both hypoadrenal and hypothyroid but probably fit the adrenal profile a bit more.
You've probably looked up info on ALC already but here are some links...there is info about it's relation to cortisol in each one ...
I don't really think trying to keep cortisol down is a good thing long-term but obviously it can really help stressed out adrenals in the short/medium term. I've also taken phosphatydal serine several times and it does the same thing (blocks cortisol) and though I feel generally good on it, I did notice on a couple of occasions I felt 'suppressed' which didn't feel right. Also when I've stopped taking it I felt a lot more fatigue. I hope this doesn't happen with ALC. Hopefully not as I will have done some chelation plus the glandulars will help in rebuilding anyway.
I relate a lot to the psychological symptoms too. Reading the psychological profile of a mercury poisoned person in Andy's book was another thing that convinced me mercury was a problem for me. I have the symptoms you have plus a lot of anxiety/panic attacks, really obsesssive thoughts, feelings of hopelessness etc. The supplements I'm on do seem to be helping a lot with these...making me feel more confident and relaxed.
Thanks for the suggestions re DMSA, I might consider that way into the future as I'm scared of it now! Lead and cadmium don't seem to be a problem for me....they've not showed up at all on my hair tests, compared to mercury which showed up on one of them, but not the other which is more telling. Arsenic showed up very slightly which ALA chelates.