I thought I'd just give a quick update.
Since doing my one round of chelation and having a fairly bad cognitive reaction, and several bouts of dizziness (whether due to a problem with DMSA or chelation side effects), I've noticed a vast improvement in certain areas of my health. The dizziness I was getting just lasted a little longer but has basically stopped now. My brain symptoms (mood, memory, concentration) have improved loads just recently and my energy is so much better.
I don't know how much this is related to the one chelation round or other things. For example I started taking acetyl-l-carnitine, not much...125-250mg per day (this particular supplement seems to be helping a LOT in all sorts of, mood, memory/mental clarity). I also went away for a few days and spent a lot of time in the sun (which always makes me feel good, giving me energy plus helping me sweat more) and did a LOT of walking and drinking tons of water. I also ate a lot of spicey food which helped my digestion a lot. It could also be the effect of being on adrenal and thyroid glandulars for about 6-7 weeks now.
In fact I've been feeling so good I've completely gone off my diet and been eating all sorts of things which are on my 'banned' list, including garlic, bread, sugar, dairy and even alcohol!!! I do have a foggy head with this but nowhere near what I would normally feel. Very strange! I'm back on my
healthy Diet now and don't recommend people taking chances with their diet....I don't want to set a bad example ;)
Anyway I'm sure these improvements are a combination of the things I've mentioned rather than just the result of doing one round of chelation!