Re: To Johnny
Hi JV,
I lowered my dose last night to about 17mg...tried to divide into 6 equal measures after Andy said was it ok but some of my symptoms had subsided anyway.....apart from head symptoms and a bit of nausea. The sensation of losing my balance and strange arm sensation have gone...that was such a weird feeling! Also my energy is fairly ok, not extra tiredness or anything though I do feel a bit more lethargic this morning.
I did have some moments of increased mental clarity yesterday which was really encouraging.....I'm assuming it's probably down to the chelation (maybe clearing out other metals as it's too early to clear out mercury) and not just the extra supps I'm taking.
My emotions are up and down, getting deep feelings of loss....I know that can happen during any sort of detox.
This morning I got slightly nauseous again after my 3am dose but wasn't a problem.
I've been feeling very very spacey and confused since I got up, can't really think straight which is quite scary. I didn't take many supps at bedtime so probably didin't help. Then again I ate a lot of nuts the last few days which has probably not helped either by overloading my system!
I'm feeling quite anxious about the whole thing actually...but I know that can be an effect of chelation anyway....but it's making me feel I'm doing the wrong thing!
I'm keep checking the clock timer to see if it's set at the right time as I'm terrified to miss a dose! Feel like I'm developing OCD lol!