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My progression with iodine
Flossie813 Views: 2,541
Published: 18 y
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My progression with iodine

Hi everyone,
This is my first time posting here, but I have been reading this forum since May. I've been supplementing with Iodine since June, and I am amazed at the benefits I have noticed. I have not had any major problems that caused me to start the program, but I want to give you some information about my Iodine journey. Back in January-March of this year I was feeling awful. I was depressed a lot, not severely...but enough to know something wasn't right. I also noticed some fibrocystic problems in my breasts (painful swelling and lumpiness), which I suppose had been building for a while but escaped my notice before. I had begun birth control a year and a half before this...but prior to that I never had breast issues. After doing some research I decided that the birth control had been contributing to my problems, and decided to stop taking it. I began feeling better immediately, but still had the breast issues. I decided to clean up my diet..going totally organic, colon cleansing, and taking probiotics. I found this forum a short time later and decided that Iodine was what my body, and especially my breasts, had been missing. I have progressed slowly with it...beginning with about a drop a day for the first couple of weeks and then gradually increasing. My Depression issues went away almost immediately. A month and a half ago I started taking at least 50mg per day and salt pushing. Now I wonder what took me so long. My breasts had been doing a lot better while I was doing smaller doses, but now they feel great.

Just as a side note, before I moved up my dosage, I was taking around 6 drops per day in water. My diet was clean except for a weakness for chocolate. I noticed that one month when I ate a lot more than usual, my breasts began to be extremely tender and very lumpy and painful to the touch prior to my period. I decided after that to cut chocolate out of my diet to see what would happen (I don't drink coffee or tea anyway)...and after I did that the very next month my breasts did not swell or become painful as much at all. I stayed off chocolate and continued with the 6 drops another month with the same good results. After that I increased my dosage and this month, had hardly no pain or tenderness at all, and noticed a significant decrease in mass of the fibrocystic areas. I know that some of you were on the fence around here about the benefits or drawbacks of consuming chocolate, but I know that in my case, it is not good for me and I will be staying away from it as much as possible.

I also wanted you all to see this article I found this morning, which led me to post on here.

The ignorance of some amazes me.



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