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Re: Just found out I'm pregnant
little nae nae Views: 24,749
Published: 18 y
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Re: Just found out I'm pregnant

oh that' awful. but the baby was born ok right. i know when my boys were little babies, i was always checking them to make sure they were breathing. you just never know. i'm sorry for your friend and her baby, that's just terrible, her having to go through all of that to have the baby and then lose it. i have heard that if you get pregnant while you have the iud, if you have it removed it'll cause dialation. if that were me, i would talk to my doctor more, maybe even another doctor before i made any decisions. no matter what decision is made it'll be hard, but you just have to do what you feel is the best thing to do. if you do keep it, just get regular test and ultrasounds to make sure the baby is ok. you never know, you could go through all of the pregnancy w/o any problems.


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