Re: Just found out I'm pregnant
oh wow, what a shocker. i hope everything will be alright for you and the baby. i think they should make sure a person isn't pregnant before inserting the iud. i've read about different people getting pregnant after they had the iud, but not this. what i read was that they couldn't have it taken out b/c it could cause a miscarrage. and at your age, i know this is and will be hard for you no matter what happens. but you know i have an aunt who had her first baby when she was in her 40's there were problems when he was born(i forget what, i don't think it was b/c of her age), but she's fine and he's fine. i would just be careful, take care of yourself and just see what the dr. says. you could have a healthy baby w/o any problems, my sister-in-law had endometriosis, was told she couldn't have a baby, she's in her mid 30's, finally after trying for some yrs. she got pregnant, the blood test showed the baby was downs, she just had her last week and she's fine. nothing at all wrong with her. well anyways, please do keep us posted on how you and the baby are doing.