Yeah I am doing better. If it wasn't for my early morning starts (bad news for AF) then I think I would be doing really good. But I am leaving work in a couple of weeks. We are moving, just not exactly sure where to yet. But it will probably be much closer to the city. The remoteness of this place just gets to you after awhile.
Doing Humaworm at the moment and I think it is the best thing I have done for my health so far. Also using a zapper daily. I think getting the parasite population down will make everything else I do work so much better.
Thanks for the Sugar post. I still really struggle with that. I have heard of Inositol but don't really know anything about it.
At the moment I am trying to shrink a ganglion with castor oil and I am sure it is working. My doc wanted to surgically remove it but it couldn't be done til mid January. I personally think it will be gone by then. Wish me luck.
All the best (and great to hear from you)