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Light-headed feeling
PhilosophicalCat Views: 4,154
Published: 17 y
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Light-headed feeling

Hiya, Kellie!

Sorry it took so long to get back to you. I was glad to see that someone else posted the link to the book. After you read it online, you might consider getting your own copy.

I also felt light-headed, mostly when I was climbing stairs or walking up inclines like hills. It was hard to keep my exercise up, but it's worth it. Walking is good enough, whether you sweat or not. Exercise is essential to using up fat in your body, which is where many of the toxins are lurking.

When I felt light-headed, I took magnesium supplements/took a detox bath/switched to molasses for a few days, and that seemed to help. I'm guessing that low or unbalanced electrolytes might have something to do with dizziness. Also, whatever you do, no matter what the social pressure might be, do NOT DRINK COFFEE while in the later stages of the MC! It sounds like you are doing well (I was too) but I drank 1/2 cup of coffee and had the strangest feelings: waves of warmth and contraction in the liver area, followed by extremes of high energy/extreme dizziness. Just a word to the wise.

Hope this helps!


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