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Re: Digesting oils/omega 3's with no gall bladder
jessesmom1987 Views: 17,793
Published: 18 y
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Re: Digesting oils/omega 3's with no gall bladder

Excellent answer PC, thanks so much. I knew to take the oxbile, but I didn't know about the timing of it, that helps alot. Also, I am taking other digestive enzymes, is that something I'll need to keep doing regularly and time it right as well?

I've had a problem with congested liver for a long, long time, and started Liver Flushing in June. I've actually had my gall bladder out now for a year and 1/2, but it wasn't because of stones in the gall bladder, they didn't find any there- it was because the gall bladder was only functioning at 5% capacity.

I got alot of stones out of the liver when I started flushing, some large green ones, and in a Liver Flush about a month ago, I got the large, brown, clay stones. But, I discovered from starting parasite cleansing 9 weeks ago, that I have been liver fluke infested! I, just the past 2 days, am feeling like I have turned a corner with both the parasites and the liver. I've learned alot about the flukes- they plug up the bile ducts. Livestock and wildlife die from liver fluke infestations from the bile ducts being plugged up. I also have gotten the large, intestinal liver flukes that live in the small intestines, and pancreatic liver flukes. From what Hulda Clark writes about, flukes in the pancreas are what she says causes MS and Epstein Barr- I have EBV.

I am just positive in my mind and heart though, that all the health issues that have showed up on blood tests are going to be resolved by getting the liver working right, getting it unplugged, getting rid of the parasites, and doing regular parasite cleansings, (I've also killed 2 tape worms!) colon cleansing, and liver flushes. My cholestrol was elevated, my kidneys, creatnine was low, my c-reactive protein was elevated, as was fibrinogen- indicating heart stuff. And Celiac.

I found a good Alternative Medicine Dr who has degrees in Chinese Med,(acupuncture) Chiro, and Nutrition, and I have been doing homeopathic remedies as well. He actually had me do full blood tests prior, to rule out anything medically.

I've also been battling gum disease, and have to have wisdom teeth extracted soon because they are continuing to keep the pockets infected, which I'm sure goes hand in hand with the things going on in my gut.

I've made positive changes in my diet, I don't eat refined sugar, already had to cut out the gluten, mainly I eat alot of vegetables, fruit, and make raw juices- eat a small amount of cottage cheese/yogurt and meat a few times a week.

The Omega 3's are something the Alt Med, and about everyone on curezone has said are important. And I've been hearing alot about coconut oil.

So, without a gall bladder, that much oil is still ok? with the oxbile.

Thanks so much for the information, it helps alot!


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