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Re: Please help
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Published: 18 y
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Re: Please help

Hi Ozgur,

I'm glad you are feeling better. The big trick for you right now is to take all of the prescription, really kill off the strep, and then start figuring out how to control the candida. It does put you between a rock and a hard place to have a bacterial infection and yeast, generally what will kill off the bacteria will cause you to have more candida. However, one step at a time, and getting rid of the strep is step one.

There are a lot of alternative methods that increase oxygen in the body, and that does have a negative effect on both bacteria and yeast. You might want to read about some of them while you are getting over your current case of the crud, and see if anything makes sense to you. Start out with searches on hyperbaric oxygen, and drink hydrogen peroxide.

Remember that the 'tradtional' drugs are usually based on herbs, Aspirin was originally derived from willow bark. Ibuprophen is hard on the liver, it's better not taken unless you really can't aviod it, aspirin is sometimes hard on the stomach in large doeses. It's scary to have a fever, but it's just a normal response, and as you can see, today, you are much better.



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