Hi Ozgur,
This is just common sense from an old hippie. If you have strep, then the fever is because your immune system is kicking in to fight the strep bacteria. High fever means you are fighting hard. To support your body, drink a lot of liquids, it's important to replace the fluids you are losing to the sweats. Yes, candida thrives when you take an anti-biotic, but that is probably not the cause of the fever. The candida is helped by the fact that the normal bacteria (acidophilis) is not there to keep it in check, because the anti-biotic targets bacteria, and is also causing damage to helpful bacteria as well as to the strep.
Strep can be serious if it goes undetected, and you should not stop taking the anti-biotic until you FINISH the whole prescription, because you want to do in all of the strep, and not leave a few little tough bacteria that are anti-biotic resistant to thrive and re-infect you. If the strep continues, it can turn into scarlet fever, which can in turn damage your heart, so it is nothing to fool around with.
I'm not an MD, I just know it, because it happened to my daugher.
Try to keep yourself as comfaortable as you can, if you get to 102, then I believe you should call your doctor and see what he or she says. I think over 102 or 103, and I can't remember which, is where you need to worry about cold baths.
The big trick to these things is good nursing, and I gather you are on your own, so drink, and drink and drink.
If you have regular hydrogen peroxide, not the food grade stuff, that comes in a brown bottle and is sold for external use only, you can gargle with it, but don't drink it, it's got stuff in it that will make you pretty sick. Gargling might help when you feel up to it.
You can use aspirin or ibuprophen to control the fever, and since it's getting up there, that would be a good idea. If you are doing a
H2O2 (Hydrogen-Peroxid) therapy of any kind, it will help do in the bacteria, so go for that.
I don't know about the anti-fungals, you need to check for interactions between them and whatever the anti-biotic is. Again, ask the doctor who prescribed, or get someone to do some research for you. Having a fever just means you are fighting the strep, best help is not to eat much, NO
Sugar or easy carbs, and drink a lot.
I hope you feel better soon! You can worry about the candida when you've killed off the strep. If it's any comfort, as much as I don't do doctors, strep is a good reason for anti-biotics, in lieu anything else on hand.