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Re: I am so FURIOUS I have had a Mirena for 3 years now and Just found this site!!!!!
jbuzzme Views: 7,645
Published: 18 y
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Re: I am so FURIOUS I have had a Mirena for 3 years now and Just found this site!!!!!

The presence of a device in the uterus prompts the release of leukocytes and prostaglandins by the endometrium. These substances are hostile to both sperm and eggs; the presence of copper increases this spermicidal effect.
My thinking is that if it poisons the sperm and egg cells, it would probably poison body cells, too. When our glands are disturbed (poisoned), it disturbs other body systems, causing symptoms. That's probably why most drugs have side-effects...they're messing with our glands. (

Also, the hormonal types of birth-control, like "the pill", can increase the incidents of candida overgrowth which will increase toxin levels in the body, often causing glandular (thyroid, adrenal) disruptions and symptoms of all types. Starches in the diet will feed the candida, creating toxins, esp' acetaldehyde. (www.thecandidayeastanswer).

Toxins/poisons are the major cause of chronic illness, which can come from candidiasis. The presence of candida shows that our protective gut flora is insufficient, often because of taking anti-biotics. This allows disbiosis in the GI tract, liver, pancrease, gall bladder, appendix, glands, Creb's cycle, immune system, etc.
Toxins come from the inside and outside; from "food", from the water, from your car, your house, your work place, your laundry. Then the lack of nutrition and rest compromise the cleaning work of the liver. Life can get very hard, very fast when one big stressor tries to overcome our stress glands -- the adrenals -- leading to chronic exhaustion.
I know that I am writing a book here, and if you already know all of this info, disregard this message.
I tend to turn into a Science professor when my cortisol is flowing, or during a full moon. Just trying to help.


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