hmmm.... bears thinking about. If anyone wants to chime in on this, feel free.
I think I'm going to save it as a Christmas vacation project... something fun (and somewhat artsy and frivolous compared to some of my other holistic studies) to do when the family is driving me batty. "Oh, so sorry! unless you've got a special mask you've got to stay twenty feet away while I'm dealing with this resin."
plus who can resist making seemingly nefarious (what's the term for when it's for the power of good? benefarious? :D) digging secret holes around power towers and around a neighbor's property?
It's like Nancy Drew goes to Hippie Camp and becomes a crystal wielding super heroine trumping evil energy in the dead of night!
* and I say frivolous because this is more something that I'd do and see if it works without being 100% invested that it would work--- especially since it'd be my first time making them.