Re: Google Drops Aspartame Article Under Industry Pressure
Absolutely, that information is nebulous at best.
This quote from Betty Martini~~
"I contacted Andrea McCreery and let her know her story had been deleted. She wrote and said, "Yes, I am aware of the feathers ruffled." Since I had printed out the article it appears below to prevent the sabotage."
indicates that the author of the article, Andrea McCreery,
suggests she knows but did not offer any elucidation.
However...I posted the article to expand awareness of
the information pertaining to the dangers of aspartame,
and so I should have perhaps listed the article "Aspartame -
"Don't Even Consider It"". If you google that article
title, you will see the link but the link does not include
the article any longer.
If you Google "censorship of
Aspartame information" there
seems no shortage of articles there either. Personally, I
do not know. One article I read suggested that when a "trade
complaint is made" to the FDA, there is often not disclosure
even through the Freedom of Information Act. Do I believe
that it is possible for big corporations who are using
these sweetners in products might want to censor information
relating to the dangers of aspartame...yes.
What was important to me about this article was that I was
able to share it with some friends and family who I have
been trying to get to drop their use of diet soda products,
and this may have an effect on their choice. My focus is the
aspartame and not the censorship since to me it is obvious
since we still have thousands of products on the shelves
which contain these neurotoxins, that we do not have enough
coverage of the dangers of this sweetner.