It sounds to me like years of fasting and weight loss diets have completely disrupted your electrolyte balances and mineral reserves. If i were you I would find a qualified naturopath who will do a mineral test on your hair and determine exactly which minerals are low or high and then you can go from there. Trying to diagnose and balance minerals without a test can be tricky indeed.
I would recommend stopping drinking water and switch to fresh made vegetable juices. you can make a big jug and add a bit of raw honey to preserve it and it will last 2 or 3 days. I would also find a good source of raw milk.
This could actually be a result of dehydration and low sodium levels. your body is dehydrated, so it holds on to all the water and sodium it can when its available. If this is the case then drinking MORE water and taking MORE sodium is actually the solution. eventually the bloating will stop and your body weight will normalize.