Whats VERY confusing about the Candida diet is ''what can I tolerate''? I've learned what you've said is that ALL sugars and carbs feed the Candida. SO...(A) How many ''carbs'' can I eat without feeding the yeast too much? (B) Feeling BAD or having a ''reaction'' from the wrong food doesn't always happen right away.....(sometimes it happens 24-48 hours later I've read) (C) You HAVE to eat SOME sugars or your walking around like a ZOMBIE.......( I tried a no Sugar diet for about a month and I felt LOUSY) Any thoughts Ketchup? P.S.- I can avoid sugars ( cakes, pies, ice cream. soda. most junk carbs,) But avoiding ALL grains and breads and crackers is REALLY HARD!! WHAT DO YOU SNACK ON? THANK'S ...........