18 y
Status: R [Message
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Re: pain, pain, pain!!
Your body needs time to rebuild your probiotics and balance your electrolytes between flushes. You really do need to space them out every 2-4 weeks. Also if you space them out farther, more sludge will have time to move down and be flushed out next time, so you'll be more productive if you use patience.
BELIEVE me, I understand the pain issues caused by a congested liver and gallbladder. If you go back and read my "R" posts, you will find me referring to "only hurting when i breathe" ... "feeling like I had a basketball stuffed inside my ribcage" ... "rubbing the tip of my breastbone until it was sore"
Things I did to cope naturally with this pain between flushes:
Lemons were probably my best friend back then ... still are today as a matter of fact ... they are liver food.
I kept organic lemons in my desk drawer at work and in my fridge at all times. I'd drink barely hot water with the juice of 1 lemon anytime that I got uncomfortable ... which was pretty much everyday, all day long.
Sometimes I'd drink the almost hot water with raw apple cidar vinegar ... sometimes this was added to my lemon water.
Sometimes I'd drink warm water with a pinch of epsom salts.
When nothing was working, I mixed all 3 together.
As you flush, you will see that the good days become more and the bad days become fewer and farther between. You'll start to see that the last few days before your next scheduled flush, your liver will be telling you IT'S TIME!!!!