Re: Taking Dandelion root?
I buy fresh dandelion green leaves and use them in my green juices, but only about 6 leaves as they are long, and rather bitter. I'm getting more used to them and can add more than I used to. I make about 16
oz. of green juice (mostly spinach, celery, carrot, some dandelion) which is a good amt. for me. The dandelion is a good liver cleanser.
If you eat the flower part, the yellow flower is edible, say in salads, and you eat enough of them, you may turn a bit yellow I've heard. I have not tried the flowers. I have probably had dandelion root in some of the tinctures I've had in the past..seems it was in the Liver Detox tincture I got from Boney's.
As for clearing estrogen, I don't know..and that was your question..sorry about that.