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Re:O/T Dog Water Experiment/continued/Edit
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Published: 18 y
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Re:O/T Dog Water Experiment/continued/Edit

Ok, I've continued with my little daily experiments of what my dog prefers in drinking here's the latest.

Day 1. Plain tap water vs a few grains of moist grey Celtic Sea Salt in distilled: He clearly preferred the salted distilled water.

Day 2. Plain tap vs plain distilled: He drank from both bowls, but he drank twice as much of the distilled water.

Day 3. A few grains of moist grey Celtic Sea Salt in tap water vs plain distilled: He has drank almost his whole bowl of salted tap water. It's almost gone, with nothing gone from the plain distilled water.

Day 4. A few grains of moist grey celtic Sea Salt in both tap water and distilled water. He clearly chose the salted tap water, and just about drank all the water gone. I took him for a nice walk this evening and he came back and had his fill of the salted tap water and has left the salted distilled alone.

I'm concluding this, as it could go on for a long time. Draw your own conclusions or guesses.

I guess for me, I'm going to go with distilled again, which I'll start buying tomorrow. For my dog, he's going to get 1-2 drops of Iodine in his distilled water 1-2 x a week, and a bit of sea salt on occasion. I'm also going to place out a bowl of plain tap water and a bowl of plain distilled water. So, he'll have 3 bowls and I'll be checking on those too just for my own curiosity.

I just like distilled better, tastes smoother and Trapper is posting away about the dangers of drinking anything but distilled and the killer chlorine is!




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