I did the experiment yesterday, and I put down 2 identical bowls of water, one with just tap water and one with distilled water with a few grains of moist grey Celtic
Sea Salt .
My dog would never drink much of distilled as I would notice by the evening the bowl would be almost full as opposed to almost empty or on empty with tap water, so I always gave him tap water with him drinking his small bowl empty most days. Monica asked me if I ever tried adding some natural salt into the distilled, and I couldn't remember trying it. I said I would do the experiment and let the curious know what he chose.
My dog has been eating a carnivorous raw food diet for many years, he's 8 yrs. old now, with no known health problems except perhaps a little closing of esophagus when he's barking too much and over-excited. I started adding 1 drop of
Iodine to his water 1-2x a week, but just this month. He likes that. For the experiment, I did not add anything except the
Sea Salt to the distilled water.
He chose the distilled water with the few grains of
Sea Salt over the tap water! It's a clear choice, and I watched him pick and drink from the salted distilled water bowl. I took him for an afternoon walk, and he came home and chose the salted distilled water over the tap water. He only drank about an
oz. of the tap water for the whole day (allowing for some evaporation), but drank more than half of his salted distilled water bowl.
So, now what? I don't know if I should give him the salted distilled water daily, or alternating days, or what? I'm going to put down the 2 bowls today again, one with just tap water and one with just the distilled without the salt. Then on the 3rd day, I'm going to put down the tap water with 1 drop of Iodine, and the salted distilled..this could get a little lengthy! I'll do it for my own curiosity and his health, if anyone wants to know about the continued experiments you can let me know, and I can email them to you. I hate to post off topic here, or I can just add it to this particular thread as I go along.
I was surprised by his choice.